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Product content templates


When setting up an event/package, you can override the default template used for:

a) Booking complete screen (displayed when a customer registers for an event/package); and
b) Booking confirmation email

To override the default template used for these, within the 'Content' tab of a given event, click on 'Booking Complete Message' or 'Booking Confirmation Email' tab on the right side (see #1 below), then click the 'Edit' button (#2 below):

Template Fields

Standard Fields

The following field placeholders (similar to merge fields in a word document) can be used in a content template to insert information relevant to the booking, event or your organisation:


{{booking_id}} - The booking ID
{{contact_firstname}} - The first name(s) of the contact person on the booking.
{{contact_lastname}} - The surname of the contact person on the booking.
{{customer_portal_url}} - The URL of the customer portal for the relevant booking.
{{access_token}} - The booking's unique code that can be used to build URLs for customer portal, payment page and other booking-specific resources

Booking (Financial)

{{balance}} - The total balance (including future charges)
{{balance_current}} The current balance (excludes any future charges))
{{charges_current}} - The current charges on the booking (not including post-dated charges)
{{charges_future}} - the post-dated charges on the booking
{{charges_total}} - The sum of all charges on the booking, whether current or future
{{payments}} - The sum of all payments made on the booking
{{payment_url}} - The URL to the booking payment page  
{{credits}} - The sum of all credits made on the booking
{{#has_credits}} {{/has_credits}} - Use to wrap some content which should only be displayed on bookings with credit transactions added


{{{attendees_table}}} - An alternative to using repeating section, this is a pre-formatted HTML table with all travellers listed ** Note this requires triple curley brackets

{{attendees_count}} - The number of attendees on the booking

Section - (will repeat for each attendee)

{{#attendees}} - The start of the attendees section
   {{title}} - The title of an attendee  
   {{firstname}} - The first name of an attendee 
   {{lastname}} - The last name of an attendee 
   {{email}} - The email address of an attendee   
   *{{gross}} The total charges applicable to this attendee (including sales agent commission)
   *{{charges}} The total charges applicable to this attendee (less commission)
   *{{charges_current}} The current charges applicable to this attendee (not including post-dated charges)
   *{{payments}} The total payments loaded against this attendee 
   *{{balance_current}} The current balance outstanding (doesn't factor in post-dated charges)
{{/attendees}} - The end of the attendees section

* Applicable to products where 'split payments' has been enabled.


{{product_code}} - The code of the event/package
{{product_name}} - The name of the event/package
{{product_start}} - The start date of the event/package
{{product_end}} - The end date of the event/package
{{product_deposit_amount}} - The deposit amount from the Product's Pricing tab
{{product_deposit_due}} - (booking date + deposit due days from the Product's Pricing tab) {{product_final_payment_due}} - The date of final payment (from the Product's Pricing tab)
{{product_final_payment_amount}} - (product price – deposit – instalments) 




Section - (will repeat for each room)

{{#rooms}} - The start of the rooms section
   {{service}} - The name of the service (for the room)
   {{service_code}} - The code of the service (for the room)
   {{service_option}} - The name of the service option (for the room)
   {{service_option_code}} - The code of the service option (for the room)
   {{#attendees}}  - The start of the nested attendees section (will be repeated for each attendee in the room)
      {{title}} - The title of an attendee
      {{firstname}} - The first name of an attendee 
      {{lastname}} - The last name of an attendee 
      {{email}} - The email address of an attendee     
      *{{gross}} The total charges applicable to this attendee (including sales agent commission)
      *{{charges}} The total charges applicable to this attendee (less commission)
      *{{charges_current}} The current charges applicable to this attendee (not including post-dated charges)
      *{{payments}} The total payments loaded against this attendee 
      *{{balance_current}} The current balance outstanding (doesn't factor in post-dated charges)
{{/rooms}} - The end of the attendees section

* Applicable to products where 'split payments' has been enabled.

Custom Field Responses

You can include the responses to specific booking-level OR attendee-level* custom fields.

First, take note of the "ID" of the custom field you'd like to insert from the Product's "General" tab:

To insert the answer to that question, use a field with format {{custom_field_[ID]}}, for example:

Preferred Return Date: {{custom_field_1234}}
Business Class Upgrade: {{custom_field_1235}}

* Attendee-level custom field responses must be placed within the {{#attendees}} and {{/attendees}} section alongside fields like {{title}}, {{firstname}}, {{lastname}} etc.


{{instalment_1_amount}} - the amount of the first custom instalment
{{instalment_1_due}} - the date of the first custom instalment
{{instalment_2_amount}} - the amount of the second custom instalment
{{instalment_2_due}} - the date of the second custom instalment
(if there are more than 2 instalments, you can use 3, 4, etc)


{{surcharge_1_amount}} - the amount of the first surcharge
{{surcharge_1_name}} - the description of the first surcharge
{{surcharge_2_amount}} - the amount of the second surcharge
{{surcharge_2_name}} - the description of the second surcharge
(if there are more than 2 surcharges, you can use 3, 4 etc)

Payment Confirmation / Invoice Email / Next Invoice Due email

The payment confirmation and invoice copy emails have access to all of the above fields, but also expose the following fields to allow for payment/invoice specific content:

{{transaction_amount}} - The amount of the current payment (the one which triggered a confirmation email)
{{transaction_firstname}} - the first name of the attendee to which the payment/invoice is assigned (if any), or the main contact person on the booking if not.
{{transaction_lastname}} - the last name of the attendee to which the payment/invoice is assigned (if any), or the main contact person on the booking if not.
{{transaction_date}} - The date of payment
{{transaction_description}} - The description applied to the payment transaction (if any)
Intellibook with Inventory

Attendees (in addition to the standard attendee fields mentioned above)

{{room_name}} - The name of a room a particular attendee is staying in


{{departure_city_name}} - The name of the city the travellers are departing from (this assumes you have set the event/package up with departure city options)


{{inventory_product_options}} - A comma-separated list of the Product Option(s) allocated to the booking
{{inventory_start_date}} - The earliest booked inventory date (can be thought of as trip start date)
{{inventory_end_date}} - The latest booked inventory date (can be thought of as trip end date)

Content block for specific product option

Use codes {{#is_product_option_[code]}} / {{/is_product_option_[code]}} use to wrap any content which should only be displayed on bookings who have booked a specific product option (package).

Important note: Product Option Codes should be entered in lower case for this purposes, and only alphanumeric characters and underscores will be matched.  Therefore, if you have a Product Option Code of "VIP-PACKAGE", you can wrap any corresponding content with {{#is_product_option_vippackage}} and {{/is_product_option_ vippackage}} tags.

Example - specific content for "VIP" product option

Intellibook with Sales Agents (Wholesale)

Booking (Financial)

{{#is_agency_booking}} / {{/is_agency_booking}} use to wrap some content which should only be displayed on bookings with an agent.
{{#is_direct_booking}} / {{/is_ direct _booking}} use to wrap some content which should only be displayed on bookings without an agent
{{charges_gross}} - The total charges without commission subtracted
{{commission}} - The total amount of commission on the booking

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