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Customer Portal Authentication


This article describes an optional authentication measure which can be set up to force customers to assign and use a password when accessing their customer portal online.  

The customer portal itself provides an online view of a customer's booking, but also is used to facilitate booking of add-ons, supply of supplementary documentation etc.

Enabling Customer Portal Authentication

To have Customer Portal Authentication enabled for your Intellibook environment, email or use the in-app messenger at the bottom-right once logged into Intellibook.

Authentication Flow

Once enabled, the following flow describes the typical customer experience.

1. Customer is sent customer portal link

Often as a part of an automated email sent after registration or booking confirmation, a Customer Portal URL (link) is shared with a customer.
This link is tied to a specific Booking which might have one or more attendees (travellers) on it.

2. Customer is presented with login screen

Once they click on a Customer Portal URL, they will be presented with the following screen which serves two purposes:

1. Email + password login mechanism (for returning customers who have already chosen a password); and
2. A process for assigning a password (includes an email-based validation check).

3. Customer uses the "Assign a password" button

Clicking the "Assign a password" button (#2 above), the user is first asked to enter their email address. The email address is validated against your customer bookings. It must match the email on at least one booked attendee (traveller).

The customer is then emailed a temporary link to verify their ownership of the email account.  The email they receive will contain content similar to the below screenshot:

4. Customer assigns a password

After clicking the link in the previous email, the customer is taken to the following screen whereby they must set a secure password to log in with in the future.  Once they've set a valid password, they're redirected back to the login screen and can proceed to log in.

Lost Passwords

If a customer loses their password, they can generate a new password using the same procedure used to initially assign one (as above). 

Manual Password Assignment - Staff

In order to assign/reset the password on behalf of a given attendee, you can do so within the Attendee "Details" dialog:

1. Click the "Details" button next to the relevant attendee on the Booking:

2.Open the "Portal Password" tab, enter a new password (twice to confirm) and click "Save":

Note: The new password will then be applied immediately, replacing any password the customer has previously chosen.

Email-based association with booking(s)

The authentication system centers around a customer's email address.

Once a customer has logged in using a valid email + password combination, a check is done to make sure their email address aligns with one of the Attendees on the booking (customer portal) they're attempting to access. 

The "Main Contact" email on the booking is not used for this check.

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