Stripe Integration - Payment Plan Created email template
This template can be set up under "Settings > Email Templates" in Intellibook. Look for the template named "Stripe - Payment Plan Created".
Below are the fields you can use to customise this template.
Standard Fields
The following field placeholders (similar to merge fields in a word document) can be used in a content template to insert information relevant to the booking, event or your organisation:
{{booking_id}} - The booking ID
{{customer_portal_url}} - The URL of the customer portal for the relevant booking.
{{access_token}} - The booking's unique code that can be used to build URLs for customer portal, payment page and other booking-specific resources
The following fields are specific to the Attendee that the failed payment relates to.
Payment Plan Specifics
Payment Plan Specifics
{{instalment_count}} - The number of instalments
{{frequency}} - The instalment frequency, e.g. weekly
{{frequency_short}} - The instalment frequency (abbreviated), e.g. week
{{first_instalment_date}} - The date of the first instalment
{{last_instalment_date}} - The date of the last instalment (excluding final payment)
{{final_payment_amount}} - The amount of the final payment
{{final_payment_date}} - The date of the final payment
{{principal_amount}} - The total value being covered by the payment plan (including final payment).
Sample Template
{{principal_amount}} - The total value being covered by the payment plan (including final payment).
Sample Template
Below is an example of a template utilising most of the fields above:
Here is how an email based on this template might render: